Posted: 09/22/2023

The Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) has issued a statewide Fire Alert effective immediately. While under a Fire Alert, permits for outdoor burning will be restricted. Anyone who burns a field, grassland, or woodland without a burn permit may be subject to prosecution for committing a Class B misdemeanor.

This burning restriction is being issued because of the current drought situation, continued lack of precipitation, and high probability of fuel ignition. Weather predictions for the weekend include relative humidities under 20 percent and windy conditions with 15-30 mph gusts in areas. With this extremely dry weather, any fire can quickly spread out of control, not only resulting in damage to our forests but also threatening lives and destroying property.

This Fire Alert will remain in effect until rescinded by the State Forester, at which time conditions will have changed sufficiently to reduce the occurrence and frequency of wildfires. To report a wildfire, call the Alabama Forestry Commission at (800) 392-5679. For more information on the current wildfire situation in the state or any other forestry-related issues, contact your local AFC office or visit the agency website at The Alabama Forestry Commission is the state agency committed to protecting Alabama’s invaluable forest assets as well as its citizens.

The mission of the Alabama Forestry Commission is to protect and sustain Alabama’s forest resources using professionally applied stewardship principles and education, ensuring that the state’s forests contribute to abundant timber and wildlife, clean air and water, and a healthy economy. For more information about the fire situation in your area or any other forestry related issues, contact your local Alabama Forestry Commission office or visit the AFC website at